Home Rental Lease Agreement Florida


Creating a solid home rental lease agreement in Florida is crucial for ensuring a smooth relationship between landlords and tenants. This document outlines the rights, responsibilities, and expectations for both parties, adhering to Florida’s specific legal requirements. Here’s a detailed guide to drafting a comprehensive and compliant Florida home rental lease agreement.

Florida Home Rentals

1. Introduction to the Parties and Premises

Start with the full names of the landlord (or the property management company) and the tenant(s). Clearly describe the rental property address, specifying any unit or building numbers, to avoid any confusion about the premises being leased.

2. Lease Term

Define the lease start and end dates, specifying whether it’s a fixed-term lease (e.g., 12 months) or a month-to-month agreement. For month-to-month leases, detail how either party can terminate the agreement, adhering to Florida’s notice requirements.

3. Rent Obligations

Include the monthly rent amount, due date, and preferred payment methods. Specify any late fees or penalties for returned checks, ensuring they comply with Florida law. It’s also wise to outline any procedures for rent increases, if applicable.

4. Security Deposit

Detail the security deposit amount and the conditions under which it will be held and returned. Florida law requires landlords to return security deposits within 15 to 60 days after the lease ends, minus any charges for damages beyond normal wear and tear. Explain the process for claiming and disputing these charges.

5. Maintenance and Repairs

Clarify the responsibilities for maintenance and repairs, differentiating between landlord and tenant duties. Florida law mandates landlords to maintain the property in a habitable condition, but tenants may also be responsible for certain types of maintenance.

6. Rules and Regulations

List any specific rules regarding the use of the property, including restrictions on smoking, pets, noise levels, and alterations to the premises. Clearly stating these rules helps prevent misunderstandings and violations.

7. Utilities and Services

Specify which utilities and services (electricity, water, trash collection, etc.) are included in the rent and which are the tenant’s responsibility. This section prevents disputes over utility payments and services.

8. Termination and Renewal

Explain the conditions under which the lease may be terminated or renewed. This includes the notice period required for non-renewal and any terms for automatic renewal, if applicable.

9. Legal Clauses

Include clauses that protect your legal rights and comply with Florida law, such as access to the property for repairs, subletting policies, and adherence to local, state, and federal laws.

10. Signatures

Ensure both parties sign and date the lease agreement. The landlord and all adult tenants should have their signatures on the document, making it legally binding.


A well-crafted lease agreement is the foundation of a successful landlord-tenant relationship. By including these essential components, you can create a comprehensive lease that protects both parties’ interests, ensures legal compliance, and sets clear expectations for the rental arrangement in Florida.