Home Rental Contract Florida

Creating a home rental contract in Florida involves understanding specific legal requirements and clauses that protect both the landlord and the tenant. This article will guide you through the essential elements to include in your rental agreement, ensuring it complies with Florida law while providing clarity and security for both parties.

Florida Home Rentals

Essential Elements of a Florida Home Rental Contract

1. Parties to the Contract

Clearly identify the landlord (or property manager) and the tenant(s), including full names and contact information. This section establishes who is legally bound by the terms of the rental agreement.

2. Property Description

Provide a detailed description of the rental property, including its address, type (e.g., single-family home, condo, apartment), and any specific unit number. This ensures there is no ambiguity about the property being rented.

3. Term of Lease

Specify the lease term, indicating whether it’s a fixed-term lease (e.g., one year, six months) or a month-to-month arrangement. Include the start and end dates for fixed-term leases.

4. Rent Details

Detail the rent amount, due date, and acceptable payment methods. Include any late fees or grace periods for late payments, in accordance with Florida law.

5. Security Deposit

State the amount of the security deposit, how it will be held, and the conditions under which it will be returned to the tenant. Florida law requires landlords to return the deposit within 15 to 60 days after the lease ends and the tenant vacates the property, depending on whether the landlord makes any claims on the deposit.

6. Maintenance and Repairs

Outline the responsibilities of the landlord and tenant regarding property maintenance and repairs. Florida law requires landlords to comply with building, housing, and health codes; keep the property in safe condition; and make necessary repairs to vital facilities.

7. Restrictions and Use of Property

Define any restrictions on the use of the property, such as pet policies, smoking, subletting, or alterations to the property. This section helps prevent disputes related to property use.

8. Termination and Renewal

Explain the conditions under which the lease may be terminated or renewed. This includes notice periods required by both parties to end the lease or negotiate renewal terms.

9. Governing Law

State that the contract is governed by the laws of the State of Florida. This clause ensures that any legal disputes will be resolved under Florida law.

10. Additional Clauses

Consider including clauses on guests, insurance requirements, and any amenities or services provided with the rental (e.g., parking, utilities).


Ensure both the landlord and tenant sign the contract, making it legally binding. Include the date of signing to validate the agreement’s start.


A well-crafted home rental contract is crucial for a successful landlord-tenant relationship. By including these essential elements, you can create a comprehensive agreement that protects both parties’ interests, complies with Florida law, and promotes a clear understanding of each party’s rights and responsibilities.